History of Buochs Airport
Close to Zurich and on the shores of Lake Lucerne Buochs airport is the most picturesque airport in Switzerland. It is used by the Swiss Miltary as a ready when needed base and also by Pilatus aircraft company.

Buochs Airport terminals
Buochs airport has no terminals for arrival and departures. All vehicles can access the ramp, and the passengers can deplane or board right from the ramp itself. It has Jet fuel but on the de-icing facility. The customs have to be arranged at least 24 hours in advance and on the weekends by special requests made at least 48 hours in advance.
Information and restrictions Buochs Airport
N46-58.5/E008-23.8 | Longest Hard Surface Runway (ft)
6562 x 131, 06/24 |
Elevation (ft)
1475 | Runway Surface
asphalt |
Fuel Available
Current UTC
5:52:57 PM (+1.00) | Local Standard Time
6:52:57 PM |
For private jet charter to or from Buochs Airport, call Icarus Jet on +1 888 277 7203 (24 Hours) or contact us Online.